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Hey! Note of change, I now use a computer, you can E-mail me at Keith64@hotmail.com . You can also ICQ page me by clicking here.
The all-star game is closing in! It's already and will be a great year for baseball. Mark McGwire is on pace to hit eighty homers, the Yankees and the Braves are winning as many as 10 games in a row, and game turnouts have been outstanding. The world series is bound to be a good match...
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Welcome to my MLB homepage. What is there to do here? There are links to websites, games, fantasy sweepstakes, AOL keywords, Baseball E-Mail addresses, newsgroup info, and more. Enjoy!
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Dante Bichette - dante@bichette.com Yogi Berra - yogiltd@aol.com Don Mattingly - don@donmattingly.com
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